“We make it our mission to provide aloe vera in its most naturally nutritious form.” –Henry Chen, President of ALO Drink
Before discussing the benefits of Aloe vera juice and extract, What is Aloe Vera?
Aloe vera is a stemless of very short-stemmed succulent plant growing between 60-100 cm tall and spreading by offsets, The leaves are thick and fleshy, green to gey-green, with some varieties showing white flecks on the upper and lower stem surfaces. The margin of the leaf is serrated and has small white teeth. The flowers are produced during the summer on a spike up to 90cm tall, each flower pendulous, with a yellow tubular corolla 2-3cm long. (wiki)
Aloe vera is very versatile and has many beneficial applications to the body both externally on the skin and internally on one’s internal organs. This article focuses on the benefits you can derive by drinking the aloe vera(or gel), Specifically, when aloe vera is mentioned here, if refers to the Aloe Barbadensis Miller species.
The skin of the aloe vera protects the plant from the destructive effects of direct sunlight. But it is the gel, the transparent substance, of the aloe vera that has the most nutrients. As a matter of fact, it contains more than 200 nutrients. Chemical analysis by the International Aloe Science Council revealed that the clear gel of the aloe contains the following vital nutrients: amino acids / minerals / vitamins / enzymes / proteins / polysaccharides / biological stimulators.
Aloe vera is the only plant on earth that contains the Acemannan, a mucopolysaccharide present in the inner gel of aloe vera. It stimulates receptivity of the digestive tract to vitamins, mineral nutrients, trace elements, enzymes and many other important nutrients to strengthen our immune system, repressing inflammations and benefiting the mucus membrane. It has a mild anti-carcinogenic action by producing hydronium ion.
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